'West to East Ambrose Lighthouse to Lizard Point Under 60ft Single-Handed Monohull Record, Male'.Alex Thomson smashed the long standing trans-Atlantic sailing record just ahead of the London Olympic 2012 Opening Ceremony..The Gosport round-the-world yachtsman set sail alone from Ambrose Lighthouse off New York on Tuesday, July 17, and is reached Lizard Point, off Falmouth. more than a day ahead of the cut off to beat the single-handed Atlantic record set by Bernard Stamm (10 days, 55 minutes and 19 seconds).

'West to East Ambrose Lighthouse to Lizard Point Under 60ft Single-Handed Monohull Record, Male'.Alex Thomson smashed the long standing trans-Atlantic sailing record just ahead of the London Olympic 2012 Opening Ceremony..The Gosport round-the-world yachtsman set sail alone from Ambrose Lighthouse off New York on Tuesday, July 17, and is reached Lizard Point, off Falmouth. more than a day ahead of the cut off to beat the single-handed Atlantic record set by Bernard Stamm (10 days, 55 minutes...
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Copyright ©Christophe Launay | liquid@sealaunay.com | +61 413 559 782