Ferry / Passenger Ship Paglia Orba. Length 165 m X 29 m<br />
Gross tonnage:29,718 tons<br />
Summer DWT:6,325 tons <br />
Build in 1994 France<br />
Chantier Naval de Marseille (CNdM) is a ship repair yard with modern and well equipped facilities, a highly skilled workforce, a wide network of specialists and strong teamwork ethic .


Ferry / Passenger Ship Paglia Orba. Length 165 m X 29 m
Gross tonnage:29,718 tons
Summer DWT:6,325 tons
Build in 1994 France
Chantier Naval de Marseille (CNdM) is a ship repair yard with modern and well equipped facilities, a highly skilled workforce, a wide network of specialists and strong teamwork ethic .

PagliaOrbaCNdM00005.JPG | original image is 5356x3434 / 11.0MB
Copyright ©Christophe Launay | liquid@sealaunay.com | +61 413 559 782


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